
Becoming an expert is hard

Becoming an expert is difficult - staying one even more!

For me, the best and most effective way to remain an expert was to combine patient treatment with the publication of journals. With this combination, I can pursue my passion to effectively treat and “repair” patients without missing out on the further developments that are taking place in the world.

The latest developments in orthopedics and traumatology always have to prove themselves and be published in a specialist journal. It usually takes 10 years for these findings to come into the textbooks.

It was therefore very interesting for me to get involved on editorial boards and as an editor myself. In these positions, one can not only follow the current questions, innovations and discussions at the highest level, but also learn critical developments and precise arguments for and against a form of treatment very early on.

At a congress a thesis is easily proclaimed - but to have it in written form takes a much higher quality of proo. Therefore, the constant control of my treatment quality through written innovations was always the most important thing.

Who hasn't heard the argument: “- that's how we always do it! That has to be right! ”That can be true - BUT if the patient is a“ special case ”or the surgeon is a“ blinker doctor ”, the standard may well be wrong or have been further developed.

PD Dr. Geert Pagenstert is co-editor of one of the oldest and most renowned international journals for orthopedics and traumatology: Archives of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg - New York, first edition in 1903


PD Dr. Geert Pagenstert is on the editorial board of the renowned European journal for knee surgery and sports orthopedics: KSSTA - Knee Surgery Sportsmedicine Trauma Arthrosopy, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg - New York


PD Dr. Geert Pagenstert is assistant editor of the renowned "open access" magazine BMC Musculosceletal Disorders, Springer Nature Verlag, New York


PD Dr. Geert Pagenstert is on the editorial board of the renowned German Journal of Sports Medicine, German Journal of Sports Medicine.
